Liveable Density around a New Public Park
At the heart of our placemaking-led, people-first vision for Regent Park is a new urban park which will provide much needed green space for the residents of Salford. Our Masterplan creates a safe, walkable and inclusive neighbourhood where nature and architecture work together harmoniously, fostering a community that prioritises liveability and wellbeing.
Ten new buildings are gathered around this new park which will deliver a new community including 3,300 new homes and 10,000sqm of commercial and community space. The location, typology, orientation, footprint and height of buildings deliver a sustainable level of density whilst maximising liveability, on-site open space, and sunlight levels into the park.

The Regent Park proposals emphasise a placemaking-led, people-first vision, promoting health and wellbeing. The linear park enhances pedestrian access and connectivity between Salford and Manchester City Centre, whilst providing direct access to nature, with over two hectares of naturalistic planting along with over 150 new trees and SUDS to enhance biodiversity. Dwellings, gathered around the park, benefit from dual-aspect layouts, natural ventilation, high levels of sunlight and daylight, with views to the park maximised to enhance wellbeing.
Establishing a sense of community and fostering neighbourliness is a fundamental aspect of our vision for Regent Park. This includes ‘The Forum’, a space that combines site wide amenities such as a primary concierge, postal rooms and active travel facilities with spaces for the wider community. Bringing these uses together adjacent to the primary external play space maximises incidental social interactions, bringing the new and existing residents together, helping to build neighbourliness and a strong sense of community.
A key placemaking strategy is the recognisable skyline designed to aid way-finding to the park and the new pedestrian river crossing. The tallest buildings provide a sense of arrival and identity for Salford onto the river, creating a new dialogue between Salford and Manchester at a key gateway between the cities across the river. The warm colour tones and texture of the proposed buildings respond to their context, which combined with a visual cohesion across the buildings, creates a strong sense of local identity and residential character. Colonnades to the base of all buildings contribute to a strong relationship between the buildings and landscape whilst providing a human scale and sheltered routes through the site.

Enhancing a sense of Wellbeing

Local Centre as the Heart of the Community

Embedding Sustainability